Winter/Year-End 2024 Update
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
As we come to the end of one year and look forward to the next, let us remember the everlasting mercies of God that He has given to His chosen people in Christ, from every tribe, tongue, and nation. He has given us eternal life through Jesus, the “Word” who took on our flesh, dwelt among us, died to pay for our sin, and has been raised up to glory at the right hand of the Father. He is ruling over all, working in the hearts of all His people, and will one day return to raise us up to glory, body and soul, with Him. On that glorious day all sin, sorrow, and suffering will be removed from God’s holy people who dwell on His holy mountain. We will be filled with His glory and righteousness, worshiping and adoring Him, even ruling with Him, forever. All because of His sheer, sovereign grace. Praise the Lord, and may His great salvation motivate us to serve Him in the year ahead!
We again ask for prayer for Rev. Rudy Poettcker, concerning his ministry and health, with his pastoral duties and work with Christian Liberty Academy. Here is a recent update from him:
Yes…another year has come and gone and now we look to the Lord for 2025. It is also another year in which the Lord has used RCM to minister to many people. I am profoundly thankful and amazed that He has chosen me to be a part of this ministry (via SALT, which is especially for the ministry in Suriname). Please give thanks to the Lord for the ministry of CLA in Suriname (and the Church there, FPC), and also for the ministry of the College and Seminary. Gives thanks also for the students and ask the Lord to bless each one in their studies.
Please pray for ongoing plans for the Second Semester at CLA (Christian Liberty Academy, in Suriname). I have work to be done for the plans, and also the teachers are working on their plans. Pray for Rev. Hamid in his work for CLA, and also as Pastor of FPC (Church).
One College student in France has just completed a course for the B.A. Certificate in Theology and is going on to the next one. And so, it also goes with other students as they work according to their personal schedule. It is a blessing to be part of it. I also received the following note from a Seminary student (and I include it here out of a humble desire to honor the Lord…because, as I told the student, “this is truly of the Lord and His Spirit”):
NOTE: I really love what you’re teaching: “People in the congregation do not come to hear what Calvin or other reformers had to say, they need to hear WHAT THE LORD HAD TO SAY.” Your teaching has empowered me to seek the truth independently, rather than relying solely on the work of others. While it requires more effort, it’s truly worth it. Thank you so much for your guidance—you are a tremendous blessing to me.
I am continually humbled and so deeply thankful for the prayers of God’s people,
Rev. Rudy Poettcker
Please continue in prayer for all the various arms of Reformation Christian Ministries, including the online college and seminary programs, as well as the Good News Bible Series. We appreciate the many prayers and donations that you give that the Lord uses to make this work of ministry possible, for the sake of His kingdom and glory. Our donation page is at the bottom.
Last time we mentioned the enrollment of another student in our seminary program, who lives in France but is from Pakistan. He continues in his studies, as do our other college and seminary students. We also have several Ruling Elders taking courses through our seminary program, with the goal of being licensed to exhort in the Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church denomination.
Please keep these students in your prayers, as well as the other RCM students (College, Seminary, CLA).
Seminary Student/Church Partnership Program with RITS:
To help students and churches train men for the ministry, we are offering the following:
- We will reduce tuition $10 per credit for every man who is enrolled into our M.Div. program and is supported financially by his local church for the purpose of preparing him for the work of ministry.
- To receive the discount, applications must include a note from the church that they will be sharing in tuition cost.
- Students should complete a minimum of 18 credits per calendar year to maintain the discounted price.
To learn more about this offer and to see our M.Div. course program, listen to free lectures, sample syllabi and outlines, etc., see below, and go here:
Would you continue to pray with us that God would bring many more students who are zealous to learn God’s Word and be equipped to serve as teachers, church officers, pastors, and missionaries? We greatly desire to see biblical reformation in our churches, but sadly so many are caving to the cultural moment, along with many seminaries and academic institutions. Pray that God would use our college and seminary programs to raise up a faithful generation of Christian laypersons and church leaders who will stand firmly on God’s Word, as Paul said to the younger Timothy –
Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching (2 Tim. 4:2).
The Good News Bible Series Update:
The Good News Bible Series (GNBS) is a program which has enrolled more than 30,000 people from all around the globe. It is an evangelistic Bible study that covers basic biblical teaching on God, sin, Jesus Christ, faith and repentance, and obedience and holiness. Currently, Rev. John Otis and others are migrating GNBS courses online.
If your church would like to know how to utilize the courses of the GNBS to reach your community and further instruct your congregation, please contact us and we will show you how to do this just as we did with a church in Oregon!
Also, the Lord called Christine Otis, John Otis’s wife and co-laborer with the GNBS, home to glory in May.
John Otis with the help of others continues to work on new courses for the Good News Bible Series website. Roy Burrell, Ruling Elder at KRPC with Rev. Rudy Poettcker in Florida, is assisting with some of the coding to setup the online courses.
In 2019, the great catechism titled Questions About Christianity With Scripture Proofs: A Catechism for Children, Young Converts, and Inquirers was printed and published. This catechism has been used in Sunday School classes to help children learn the Christian faith through Questions and Answers with supporting Bible verses listed below each answer.
To learn more about GNBS and the catechism, take this link here:
College/Seminary Website & 50 FREE Lectures!
We are now offering the Bavinck course for $95, and if you complete it, you get a $50 credit toward a future course. In addition, we have made 50 of our lectures across 17 of our courses available for free on our website. These lectures are the first several from each of these courses, giving you an opportunity to learn more about them and enroll if you like what you hear. The college & seminary website now allows you to sample syllabi, view study guide assignments, listen to free lectures in our seminary program, & more. We hope to do more with our lectures and other materials, to make them readily available online in the future.
A one-year Bachelor Certificate in Theology is now offered through RIC to interested students at just $75/credit (courses pictured on the right), or for only $2000 if you pay for the whole program upfront. Please visit for more information and to check out our full Bachelor’s in Education program.
Donations to RCM
Your generous gift to RCM is greatly needed and sincerely appreciated.
Reformation Christian Ministries
U.S.A.: | 1300 East University Blvd. Melbourne, FL 32901 | (772) 663-8844 | |
Canada: | 74 MacKenzie Crescent, Lacombe, AB T4L 0B3 | (403) 597-7244 | |
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Cash enclosed
$10 | $25 | $50 | $100 | $500 | Other $: |
Check or money order enclosed
Credit Card
- Visit our website
- or Call 772-663-8844
Your designation below assists us in knowing God’s will in applying your donation
HQ Needs | Good News Bible Series (Rev. John Otis) | |||
SALT (Ministry of Rev. Rudy Poettcker) | EQUIP (Ministry of Thomas F. Booher) | |||
Overseas Seminary Student Subsidies | Courses to Oversea Pastors ($50 per course cost) | |||
Other: | ||||
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RCM Newsletters | Poettcker’s Prayer Partners (SALT) | ||
Otis: Good News Bible Series |
RCM Newsletter Fall 2024
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
In this season of thanksgiving, let us remember the greatest gift of salvation in Christ, for all who believe on Him sincerely. Because of our Lord and Savior and the Father’s sovereign care, we truly can give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thess. 5:18), so that “whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him” (Col. 3:17). We are called to be anxious for nothing, but in all things “by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 4:6-7). What a gracious and mighty Lord we serve!
Let us continue in prayer for Rev. Rudy Poettcker, for his health, his family, and his labors as Minister and with Christian Liberty Academy. Here is a recent update from him:
Greetings in the Lord! He is Lord and what a blessing to know that He is our Lord, as He binds us together in His Church and in the Truth.
At CLA we aim to teach His Lordship over all of life; as this is shown in each course (and each grade)! Please continue to pray for God to bless and use CLA for His glory. Pray for Rev. Hamid as Administrator. I know I repeat it often, but he has a “full load” of work and by God’s grace he continues in it so faithfully. I am truly blessed to be able to work together with him in the administration of the school. I continue to meet online with the teachers and staff of Christian Liberty Academy in Suriname for “devotions.” That is a blessing, as we together pray for the needs of the school and of the teachers & staff.
As to my health: An appointment with a doctor has been changed to being a “telemedicine call” which is planned for Nov. 26. This same doctor is also referring me to a urologist, mostly in order to get a further “opinion” as to the best way to move forward with my treatments. I was thankful for the Lord’s grace to give strength to deal with pain for leading in worship and preaching on Sunday. Most of last night was spent in the living room recliner due to back pain. Thank you for praying for the Lord’s will in all of this. The devil works hard to discourage, but the Lord is mighty and gracious and through your prayers He sustains in hope (even if no healing we have hope that His will is good in it all).
A servant to the Lord, together with you,
Rev. Rudy Poettcker
Last time we mentioned the enrollment of another student in our seminary program, who lives in France but is from Pakistan. He continues in his studies, as do our other college and seminary students. We also have several Ruling Elders taking courses through our seminary program, with the goal of being licensed to exhort in the Covenant Reformed Presbyterian Church denomination.
Please keep these students in your prayers, as well as the other RCM students (College, Seminary, CLA).
Seminary Student/Church Partnership Program with RITS:
To help students and churches train men for the ministry, we are offering the following:
- We will reduce tuition $10 per credit for every man who is enrolled into our M.Div. program and is supported financially by his local church for the purpose of preparing him for the work of ministry.
- To receive the discount, applications must include a note from the church that they will be sharing in tuition cost.
- Students should complete a minimum of 18 credits per calendar year to maintain the discounted price.
To learn more about this offer and to see our M.Div. course program, listen to free lectures, sample syllabi and outlines, etc., see below, and go here:
Would you continue to pray with us that God would bring many more students who are zealous to learn God’s Word and be equipped to serve as teachers, church officers, pastors, and missionaries? We greatly desire to see biblical reformation in our churches, but sadly so many are caving to the cultural moment, along with many seminaries and academic institutions. Pray that God would use our college and seminary programs to raise up a faithful generation of Christian laypersons and church leaders who will stand firmly on God’s Word, as Paul said to the younger Timothy –
Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching (2 Tim. 4:2).
The Good News Bible Series Update:
The Good News Bible Series (GNBS) is a program which has enrolled more than 30,000 people from all around the globe. It is an evangelistic Bible study that covers basic biblical teaching on God, sin, Jesus Christ, faith and repentance, and obedience and holiness. Currently, Rev. John Otis and others are migrating GNBS courses online.
If your church would like to know how to utilize the courses of the GNBS to reach your community and further instruct your congregation, please contact us and we will show you how to do this just as we did with a church in Oregon!
Also, the Lord called Christine Otis, John Otis’s wife and co-laborer with the GNBS, home to glory in May.
John Otis with the help of others continues to work on new courses for the Good News Bible Series website.
In 2019, the great catechism titled Questions About Christianity With Scripture Proofs: A Catechism for Children, Young Converts, and Inquirers was printed and published. This catechism has been used in Sunday School classes to help children learn the Christian faith through Questions and Answers with supporting Bible verses listed below each answer.
To learn more about GNBS and the catechism, take this link here:
College/Seminary Website & 50 FREE Lectures!
We are now offering the Bavinck course for $95, and if you complete it, you get a $50 credit toward a future course. In addition, we have made 50 of our lectures across 17 of our courses available for free on our website. These lectures are the first several from each of these courses, giving you an opportunity to learn more about them and enroll if you like what you hear. The college & seminary website now allows you to sample syllabi, view study guide assignments, listen to free lectures in our seminary program, & more. We hope to do more with our lectures and other materials, to make them readily available online in the future.
This time we are focusing on our pastoral care and counseling course, PAS 702. Lectures are by Rev. Robert Grossmann. There are multiple books to be read for the course, including Peter Y. De Jong’s Taking Heed to the Flock, and many books written by Jay Adams.
This course is a study of biblical principles and patterns for the pastoral care of the congregation, with special attention to the official visiting of individuals and families, and to counseling in times of crisis. From this study the student should have a thorough understanding of biblical principles for pastoral work. In addition the student should gain a knowledge that is fundamental to organizing a pastoral ministry, including methods of pastoral counseling. If you or someone you know is interested in enrolling for this course, you can find more information about it here or email us at
If you or someone you know is interested in enrolling for this course, you can find more information about it here or email us at
A one-year Bachelor Certificate in Theology is now offered through RIC to interested students at just $75/credit (courses pictured on the right), or for only $2000 if you pay for the whole program upfront. Please visit for more information and to check out our full Bachelor’s in Education program.
Donations to RCM
Your generous gift to RCM is greatly needed and sincerely appreciated.
Reformation Christian Ministries
U.S.A.: | 1300 East University Blvd. Melbourne, FL 32901 | (772) 663-8844 | |
Canada: | 74 MacKenzie Crescent, Lacombe, AB T4L 0B3 | (403) 597-7244 | |
First Name: | Last Name: | ||
Address: | City: | ||
State/Prov.: | Zip: | ||
Phone: | E-Mail: |
Cash enclosed
$10 | $25 | $50 | $100 | $500 | Other $: |
Check or money order enclosed
Credit Card
- Visit our website
- or Call 772-663-8844
Your designation below assists us in knowing God’s will in applying your donation
HQ Needs | Good News Bible Series (Rev. John Otis) | |||
SALT (Ministry of Rev. Rudy Poettcker) | EQUIP (Ministry of Thomas F. Booher) | |||
Overseas Seminary Student Subsidies | Courses to Oversea Pastors ($50 per course cost) | |||
Other: | ||||
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Send email updates from RCM to email address: | Country: | ||||
Please send me email updates
RCM Newsletters | Poettcker’s Prayer Partners (SALT) | ||
Otis: Good News Bible Series |
RCM Newsletter Summer 2024
News and Prayer Letter Summer 2024 Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! The Lord gives us life, breath, and all things. He works and directs all for the good of His people, to the praise of His glory. Psalm 90:12 asks that the Lord would “teach us…
Fall 2023 Newsletter
Reformation Christian Ministries News and Prayer Letter FALL 2023 Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! We are thankful for your continued prayers and support. The new school year has begun at Christian Liberty Academy, and Rev. Rudy Poettcker has returned from his time helping there. Here are some of his…
RCM Newsletter Summer 2023
Reformation Christian Ministries News and Prayer Letter SUMMER 2023 Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! In the last several months since our previous Newsletter, many exciting things have been happening with Reformation Christian Ministries. We had our annual board meetings, which all went well. Christian Liberty Academy has also completed…