Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus!
I trust you all had a blessed Lord’s Day worship yesterday.
I was thankful that I was able to preach since I had a rather strange “cold” last week that left me without energy. It was very challenging to even get the basics of my work done during the week. I am thankful I am a bit better and hope recover more fully this week.
CLA in Suriname has now completed the 4th week of the Third Quarter. We are thankful that the Lord has provided a lady to do babysitting, and we pray that this works out well for the mothers. Please continue to pray for the school and for all who work there. They need encouragement to continue on.
Please pray for the students in the College and Seminary and my work online with them. Some work more regularly than others, but that is the blessing of our “system” (each works according to their situation). It is a blessing to be training for kingdom service.
Truly thankful for your partnership in prayer,
Rev. RP
Construction progress (things are moving along, PTL).
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The ministry of SALT (Scriptural Advanced Leadership Training) includes:
- Director of RITS & RIC (Reformation International Theological Seminary & Reformation International College).
- As Dean of Studies, I work with students in College studies (especially teacher training for a Bachelor of Arts in Education Degree).
- As Dean of Studies, I work with students in Seminary studies (especially training for ministry and eldership in the M.Div. degree program).
- My work, together with Rev. Hamid, in Administration of CLA (Christian Liberty Academy) in Suriname. I serve as Headmaster, and he is Administrator.
- I also serve as Elder in First Presbyterian Church in Suriname (FPC).
Pray for my preaching ministry at King’s Reformed Presbyterian Church in Melbourne, Florida.
Link to church website (and live stream of Sunday worship):
Link to RCM website:
To support this ministry (tax-exempt), you may write the check to “Reformation Christian Ministries” and designate it to “SALT” (Scriptural Advanced Leadership Training).
Mailing address: 1300 East University Blvd. Melbourne, FL. 32901
If you wish to donate online, you may use this link (and select SALT for designation):