I am so thankful to the Lord for the safe driving and flight; I actually arrived 15 minutes early too! I see so much that can take place in travelling and know that the Lord blesses through your prayer.
Last week I gave a test in one class and was preparing all classes to write Second Qt. Exams (which are this week). Between class work and other matters, we also go over and decide on various matters relating to the construction. Your continued prayer is very much appreciated.
As you see below, on Friday, Nov.24th we had “Cultural Dress Day” at CLA (Nov.25th was Independence Day). Some of it was a bit “over the top” but over-all it was a fun time for the school.
Rev. Hamid preached at FPC yesterday and I will be preaching the next 3 Sundays, God willing. We plan to have an Eldership (Session) Meeting this week and also to examine two applicants for membership by profession of faith. Please pray for this and that it may be a blessing to the Body of Christ here (especially as we continue to be burdened over the discipline to two members and seek God’s grace to grant repentance and restoration).
Serving our Lord together with you all,
Rev. RP
Friday, Nov.24-Cultural Dress Day at CLA (just some examples!):
Aria Eloise Haniff (4th child to Imran and Rachel Haniff):
The ministry of SALT (Scriptural Advanced Leadership Training) includes:
- Director of RITS & RIC (Reformation International Theological Seminary & Reformation International College).
- As Dean of Studies, I work with students in College studies (especially teacher training for a Bachelor of Arts in Education Degree).
- As Dean of Studies, I work with students in Seminary studies (especially training for ministry and eldership in the M.Div. degree program).
- My work, together with Rev. Hamid, in Administration of CLA (Christian Liberty Academy) in Suriname. I serve as Headmaster, and he is Administrator.
- I also serve as Elder in First Presbyterian Church in Suriname (FPC).
Pray for my preaching ministry at King’s Reformed Presbyterian Church in Melbourne, Florida.
Link to church website (and live stream of Sunday worship): https://www.krpc.us/
Link to RCM website: https://www.reformation.edu/wp/
To support this ministry (tax-exempt), you may write the check to “Reformation Christian Ministries” and designate it to “SALT” (Scriptural Advanced Leadership Training).
Mailing address: 1300 East University Blvd. Melbourne, FL. 32901
If you wish to donate online, you may use this link (and select SALT for designation):